

Impressive 5 - 6% energy saving



In 2011, the University of Wolverhampton embarked on a multimillion-pound investment in a state-of-the-art Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system. The goal was to slash annual energy costs, reduce carbon emissions by a significant amount and future-proof the university energy network.

In two key buildings, the heating system had been performing poorly for some time. Although the MC building is one of the newest on the campus, heat transfer was poor and there were widespread system malfunctions. “We identified significant problems with contamination - filters in the chilled beams and in the air handling units were badly blocked, resulting in severely restricted flow,” explains Stephen Cocks, University of Wolverhampton’s Energy Manager.

“In MA, dated plant rooms were in real need of investment. This meant installing new boilers and ensuring that they would work alongside the older parts of the system that couldn’t be replaced. The key challenge here was to hydraulically separate the old boilers from the new and protect the plate heat exchangers.”

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