
BN Thermic Ltd.  14  Products Found

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BN Thermic is a leading supplier of commercial and industrial electric heaters and controls.

We design and supply heating systems for applications such as:

●   Warehouses ●   Schools
●   Shops ●   Outdoor areas
●   Churches ●   Distribution centres
●   Workshops ●   Underfloor heating projects

Our customer service team can assist you with:

●   Heating scheme designs ●   After sale technical assistance
●   Detailed proposals ●   Tenders
●   Arranging site visits ●   Heat loss calculations

Contact BN thermic today to discuss your next heating project on 01293 547 361.

BN Thermic Blogs:

Under pew heaters installed in Holy Trinity Church in Coalbrookdale Telford

Radiant cassettes installed in a semi permanent school assembly hall

Heating a seating area in a large unheated play centre

Industrial fan heaters installed at Allon White Sports Cars in Cranfield Bedfordshire