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Docs-Store offers the widest range of electrotechnical publications.

We have brought together most of the industries publishers, from the IET, BSi, and certification bodies NICEIC and NAPIT even independent authors. Colleges or training centre teaching 1st year students through to Level 3 advanced electricians require books all year round and we feel sure that we have the books that meet your requirements.

As this industry is ever evolving, electricians are seeking a reputable source of information and new material are constantly being identified. We aim to find the best subject matter experts to bring you high quality information written in a style that is easy to understand language.

Carriage paid orders over £200. £6.95 if less than £200.

Elcock Services Ltd- t/a Docs-Store
4 Beech Wood Close,
West Marton
BD23 3UG
Tel 0333 339 7679
Email : enquiries@docs-store.co.uk