
Endon Lighting Ltd  544  Products Found

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Endon Lighting and Home has been established as one of the country’s leading and most innovative suppliers to the lighting industry.

With over 70 years experience, combining three generations of a family business, before it came under the umbrella of the National Lighting Company in 2008, Endon is part of one of the largest lighting groups in Europe.

Endon have the ability to source product from across the globe and therefore can offer an off the shelf solution as well as developing bespoke product for builders and specifiers. New ranges are being sourced constantly to keep ahead of this fashion conscious industry from plaster wall brackets to stunning crystal luminaires.

For more details, please contact the number below and we will be happy to discuss your individual requirements.

Endon Lighting Ltd,
Units 1-3,
Cross Green Way,
Cross Green Industrial Park,
LS9 0SE.

T: 0113 380 5700
F: 0113 248 4519
Email: sales@endon.co.uk
W: www.endon.co.uk