
Lapp Ltd  554  Products Found

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Lapp Group is one of the world’s leading and most innovative suppliers of cables, accessories and technology. Covering all aspects of cables for an extremely broad range of industries. The range of brand-name products comprises of connection and control, highly flexible robotic, servo-motor, temperature-resistant and LAN/BUS cables.

Lapp offer’s a unique product assortment, outstanding brand-name quality and the competence of a system supplier. The assortment contains over many thousands of product lines.

As a manufacturer Lapp ensure the end product is of the highest order. All of the cable, glands and connectors Lapp manufacture have been tested to meet stringent quality and durability requirements prior to delivery. Such testing ensures reliability on site, making for cost effective installation.

Lapp’s commitment to environmental protection and the development of environmentally friendly products and solutions is a priority. The Lapp Group has its own R&D departments, laboratory and testing departments, test facilities, patent and trademark protection and engages in worldwide technology transfer. The results are numerous certifications, products with international approbations, active environmental protection, quality management and extensive basic and advance training programmes.