
Supreme Imports  54  Products Found

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Supreme is one of the UK’s leading lighting and battery distributor. For over 40 years, we’ve built our reputation on professionalism, quality and reliability. That’s how we’ve gone from the humblest of beginnings to one of the fastest-growing companies in Europe (as ranked by the Financial Times, no less).

Our range of batteries include renowned brands such as Energizer, Philips, Eveready and JCB offering every variety imaginable and most available ex stock from our large distribution facility at Trafford Park in Manchester.

Our award winning factories help us produce lamps and fittings in many shapes and sizes to meet the consumers demands, and our range is rapidly expanding as we strive to achieve our goal of achieving substantial growth within the electrical wholesale sector.

Our exclusive lighting distribution agreements include internationally recognised brands such as Energizer, JCB and Eveready. Additionally, we offer a range of PowerMaster branded light fittings which are synonymous with quality at an affordable price and include quick fit screwless hinged LED battens and a range of LED High Bay UFO’s, both of which come with the added peace of mind of an onsite warranty in addition to a 5 year ‘standard’ warranty.