NVC achieves Carbon Neutral status
The UK has committed to being carbon neutral by 2050. As a responsible member of the lighting industry, NVC is keen to play its part in this, so we have taken the necessary steps and can now announce that NVC Lighting Limited is Carbon Neutral.
To achieve this, they partnered with Carbon Neutral Britain – a leading consultancy and offsetting organization based in London.
With their help, and using international standards, NVC has calculated its greenhouse gas emissions. In the period March 2021 to April 2022 these were 463 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
These have been offset by investing in audited projects which are re-planting forests, generating renewable electricity and restoring damaged environments. NVC’s Carbon Neutral status is now in place till April 2023.
Then, and annually thereafter, the company’s greenhouse gas emissions will be recalculated, and its offsets renewed as necessary to ensure that NVC continues to play its part in getting the UK to carbon neutrality by 2050.
While offsetting is the most practical way to immediately mitigate its impact on the climate, it is not all that NVC has done, or plans to do. Alongside offsetting they are reducing waste, cutting emissions and increasing efficiency in multiple ways.
Read this article to find out more about what NVC is doing now and in the future.