

Surelock Pro Cutting Stations


Cutting Station

The Surelock Pro manufacturing system is having a big impact on emissions for specialist tool hire provider MEP Hire…

MEP Hire are a true specialist in mechanical, electrical and low-level access hire to the UK’s building services trades. Testament to their success is their commitment to working with suppliers to further innovate products, with the aim of making them safer, more efficient and reduce their impact on our planet.

MEP Hire asked supplier Metal & Modular to design a range of storage and cutting solutions for use on construction sites that would not only be strong and secure, but would also be more sustainable to produce.

Cutting Stations are now produced using the SureLock Pro manufacturing method, which uses 85% less welding. This has significant environmental benefits and, on average, there is approximately four metres of welding saved in the manufacture of each storage vault.  

You can read the full case study at this link - https://mephire.co.uk/news-updates/case-studies/case-study-2/